Perlite is a volcanic mineral which, after thermal treatment, resembles polystyrene balls, pumice in structure, and chemically similar to glass.

Perlite ore is mined from the deposit using the opencast method. After mining, the rock is crushed and ground to sand. Then, while still in the mines, the ground ore is sorted into different fractions. This is an important process, because the size of a specific fraction determines what type of expanded perlite we will obtain in further processing.

Then the perlite sand goes to the expansion plants. There it is subjected to a thermal treatment which increases its volume. Perlite expands at a temperature of over 900 ° C. Then, chemically bound water molecules are released, which are a characteristic feature of this mineral. The escaping water causes the material to expand.

As a result of this process, perlite increases its volume up to twenty times. As a result, its density and bulk weight also drop twenty times, thanks to which we obtain a light and porous aggregate.

The most important element in the perlite expansion production line is the furnace in which the main physicochemical processes take place. The material stays in it for only a few seconds. After expansion, the perlite grains go to the cooler, where they are cooled down to a temperature of about 200 degrees, and then to the finished product silo. The line is also equipped with a system of cyclones and filters, where the dust generated during the production process is captured.

Then the perlite is poured into tank trucks or packed into big bags and sacks.



Type of perlite    EP 200 (Agro) 0-6mm (class III)   
   EP 180 (class II)   
   EP 150 (class I)   
   EP 100F (class 0)   
grain size % % % % %
1,25 mm min 80 min 60 max 20 max 5 min 60
0,50 mm 0-100 0-100 15-60 5-80 0-100
0,25 mm max 10 max 10 min 60 min 60 max 10
Bulk density 110-150 kg/m3 70-110 kg/m3 40-90 kg/m3 50-120 kg/m3 70-110 kg/m3
Moisture max 2%

postać  stan skupienia stały w postaci granulatu o uziarnieniu 0-6 mm i barwy biało-szarej 
zapach bez zapachu
pH 6,5-7,5
palność niepalny klasa A1
ciężar nasypowy 50-200 kg/m3
temperatura/zakres topnienia pow. 900oC
temperatura samozapłonu nie dotyczy
przewodnictwo cieplne 0,045-0,059 W/m x K
nasiąkliwość 3,0-200%
wytrzymałość na ściskanie 0,14-0,40 Mpa
odporność chemiczna jak szkło
chłonność akustyczna 10-92%
ciepło właściwe 0,96-0,92 kJ/kgoC
współczynnik dyfuzji pary wodnej 0,035-0,027g/m h mm Hg

  Związek chemiczny  
  udział %  
SiO2 65-73%
Al2O3 10-18%
K2O + Na2O 6-9%
CaO 2-6%
Fe 1-2%


USAGE (klinij interesujące zastowanie) 

tynki zaprawy wylewki zaprawy

zasypy izolacyjne








 rozmnazanie roslin  uprawy hydroponiczne    










  GREEN AREAS:       
tereny zielone      
 filtracja  filtracja   filtracja  
 filtracja  filtracja  filtracja  



Expanded perlite by PERLIPOL is certified by the National Institute of Hygiene.


PERLIPOL is the only Polish company belonging to the international organization PERLITE INSTITUTE based in the USA, associating perlite producers from around the world, which is a forum for exchanging experiences of its members.

Since 1995, PERLIPOL has been cooperating with scientists from the Lodz University of Technology, who help develop recipes for building products containing perlite, test product parameters and propose innovations in production technology.


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